Excellence in Education (Trinity College London Approved Service Provider)

Tienen el placer de invitarle a este taller gratuito con Certificado de Asistencia* 

"Language through literature & (M)other-tongue tied"


Language through literature:

Too often the word ‘literature’ conjures up ideas of impenetrable genius. But it doesn’t need to be this way, and properly used literature provides even lower-level learners with an excellent window into both the English language and the cultures of the English-speaking world. In this workshop we’ll look at practical examples of activities designed to carefully introduce students to literature in English, whilst at the same time providing plentiful opportunities for meaningful practice of essential language skills. 


(M)other-tongue tied:

Most teaching is done to monolingual groups by teachers who share the learners' first language. On the surface this would seem to be far from the ideal situation for teaching pronunciation. Everyone will be making the same mistakes with nobody there to correct them. Or is it like that? Could it not be that there are real benefits to working with learners who share the same L1? In fact, is their mother tongue really tying these learners up, or is it the foundation to success in pronouncing in English well?


Created by: Robin Walker


Robin has worked in English Language Teaching (ELT) for almost 40 years. For over 20 years he taught at the Escuela Universitaria de Turismo de Asturias before leaving to found EnglishGlobalCommunication.

He now works as a freelance teacher trainer, ELT author and materials writer, and ELT consultant.He regularly collaborates with Trinity College London, Oxford University Press, and regional government teacher's centres around Spain. His main interests are pronunciation, English as a Lingua Franca (ELF), CLIL/EMI, and teacher education.

He has published numerous articles on teaching English, is author of Teaching the Pronunciation of English as a Lingua Franca (Oxford University Press, 2010), and co-author of Tourism, a three-level course in ESP also with Oxford University Press. 


El taller se impartirá íntegramente en inglés, por lo que es aconsejable, aunque no requisito imprescindible, tener un nivel mínimo B2 de competencia lingüística.

Detalles del evento

Lugar y Fechas:

Santander Lunes 4 de marzo

Logroño Martes 5 de marzo

Zaragoza Miércoles 6 de marzo


Todos en horario de 10:00 a 13:15



El lugar exacto de realización se notificará por email a todos los admitidos.

Relatores: Robin Walker


El taller es gratuito. Para asistir es imprescindible solicitar plaza por medio de este “link”:  

 Solicitud Plaza Santander >> 

 Solicitud Plaza Logroño >>  

 Solicitud Plaza Zaragoza >> 

Plazas limitadas, se adjudicarán por riguroso orden de inscripción.

Por favor, rogamos que para facilitarnos la organización no espere hasta el último día para solicitar plaza, ni lo hagan si no saben si pueden asistir.

Se cerrará el plazo para solicitudes el viernes 1 de marzo a las 10:00, momento en el que el link dejará de estar operativo.

*CERTIFICADO DE ASISTENCIA.-  Tras verificar hojas de firmas de asistencia se envía por email a los participantes la encuesta nominal de calidad y de sugerencias que nos ayuda a mejorar y resolver personalmente las dudas del asistente, recibida su respuesta, se envía el Certificado de Asistencia. (Este no es un proceso automático).



Excellence in Education

Taller organizado por Excellence in Education (Trinity College London approved service provider).

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